
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Breaking...... headboards??

So this week has been an emotional roller coaster for me (tv and movie wise).  We said Good Bye One Tree Hill on Wednesday and Breaking Dawn (finally) premiered this weekend!
Since I'm still in denial that filming for OTH is officially over, I thought I'd focus my attention on the wonderfulness that is Edward Cullen instead!  I saw the movie yesterday and have not been able to stop thinking about it since.  So, as I sit in a quiet corner of Panera enjoying some tomato soup and an iced green tea on this dreary day, I thought I'd put pen to paper (so to speak) and write down my thoughts on this wonderful story.

I was late to the game when it comes to Twilight.  I attempted to read the first book when they became popular and didn't really get into it.  As with many things, I became distracted and moved on.  About a month ago, on a boring afternoon at home, I decided to give it another go and watch the movie!  I'm not sure exactly what changed, but i do know that I was instantly in love, and ran out to buy New Moon and Eclipse and waited in anticipation, for Breaking Dawn.  I read the book and re-watched the first 3 movies... and couldn't get enough!
What is it about Edward Cullen that draws us in so much?  While he will surely tell you it's his sent and the way he looks (which certainly doesn't hurt) there is something more deep than that about him.  The idea that he would do anything to protect the woman he loves and keep her safe and happy FOREVER is something that I think we all want.  He puts her well-being ahead of his own temptations and desires.  He is old fashioned and makes you think of the days when gentleman really did exist, and although I have yet to meet such a guy in the real world, a girl can dream (and watch movies about romantic vampires).
I thought this movie, in particular, was great.  There was romance, comedy, action and undeniable love!  Of course people will complain that they took some liberties with the book (it's called adapting for a reason, folks) I thought it was well done.  And while the every-one-is-talking-about-it honeymoon scene was fantastic, I find myself thinking about the simpler moments. Charlie's hilarious wedding toast, Edwards "let's start with forever" makes-me-weak-in-the-knees toast, and Jessica standing by the larger than life cake saying "i thought it would be bigger" (one of my personal favorite laughable moments).
Needless to say, I fell in love with Edward Cullen all over again yesterday and will absolutely be watching this film again and again (can the DVD please come out already?!)

So if you are like I was and think vampires just aren't for you, I highly recommend giving it another try!

And last, but certainly not least, can we just take a moment to drool over Bella's dress?! G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S.!!!!!!

(p.s. there aren't too many pictures of this dress floating around the web yet -- once they start popping up,  I'll update with a clearer shot)